Sunday, October 4, 2009


Q from spunkysparky33 from YouTube:
I don't eat meat hardly EVER, and since the beginning of this year no matter how much I sleep I feel EXHAUSTED! Could it be the fact that I don't eat meat (and I'm not getting those vitamins or proteins)?

Dear spunkysparky33,
Yes, I think that if you recently haven't been eating meat it is probably the reason for your fatigue.
When you don't have enough nutrients, your body can't function properly and that causes tiredness.
Remember to take your vitamins every day! I take a pill form and I also have that powder stuff called Emergen-C (you can get it at health stores where they sell tons of pills and Vegan products) that you put in water and it tastes really good :)
Research to find what you could eat to substitute the protein, iron and minerals you need from meat. To substitute the protein you could have: tofu, chia seeds, dark leafy greens, fish/seafood, beans and Vegan powder mix (which has absolutely everything you need and is filling but it's expensive).
Also make sure you're getting enough fibre! There's plenty in most cereals. Especially Kashi!
xo Claudia

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New diet...

sounds easy enough...
I'll let you all know how it goes :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sometimes I feel really down...

Hey guys!

This blog entry is especially directed for PookieTheBird on YouTube (who doesn't make videos). Here is the message I got from them:

"Hi Claudia! I just wanted to ask you something. Could you please make a video about how to manage these days that things are really not working? I mean, when you're having a bad day, you're not having luck, you're a little down, or you fail in doing something and you feel bad. What do you do to "change the mood" and stop that "sadness" and just get happy again. Do you have this kind of days? I have them from time to time and I always end feeling better and thinking "I will never be unhappy again because of this", but if that thing happens again, I fell down again :( And I hate it! And also I want to know how do you manage major problems like having someone around who is a really bad person that want to hurt you! Or when you have problems with your family or other people. And when you have people around that is SO negative, how do you do to not be affected by this? I mean, I have relatives SO close-minded that I feel it's ruining my life :( But I try to be free and live how I really want to live, but it's hard, you know.
Wow, I hope you can understand all this! I'm Spanish and I don't speak english really well so it's hard to write! But I tried :)
Your videos are really helpful, I love the way you are, you are inspiring and you always make me feel good when I watch your videos :) I like your style and I also design and sew :)"

So hey PookieTheBird, this is for you :)
I've been pretty depressed a couple times. Not seriously, but I just felt really bad about myself. Both of my parents can be negative, sometimes they say "You'll never be a fashion designer" and they don't always respect me, my beliefs and dreams. My friends can be really disapproving about things too. But I know they only do this because they care about me, still, it brings me down. I've also felt like nothing was going right in my life, like everyone else had it made and I was just stuck in the ground. I've even felt fat and dumb. Here are the things that get me through these feelings and stages:
- screaming
- then quiet and being alone

- reading
- drawing
- music
- watching YouTube videos (I find makeup tutorials really relaxing)
- watching my fav tv shows on
- manis & pedis
- tea or apple cider
- making art/collages
- go for a walk
- set goals
I think about how tomorrow is another day and another chance. Setting goals is a big thing, it really helps you to achieve the things you want and that makes you feel proud of yourself and sometimes other people feel proud of you too which usually leads to hapiness :)
I try not to scream or talk back to the person I'm mad at or think about life and death. I also don't go to online stores and stuff cause that makes me upset cause I can't buy anything since I'm broke. When you feel so bad, doing things that make you happy - everyone has their own hobbies - really help. For me it's drawing, YouTube and sewing and stuff.
My parents are really protective. They don't let me take public transportation and won't let me go certain places and I can't see my friends often cause they don't live near me. I feel like I don't have freedom which makes me really mad and it's hard. But I tell myself that I'm still young and my freedom will come. I'll be able to drive by myself in a year and a little and hopefully my parents will let me take the bus this year!

Well that's all I've got, I hope it helped!
xoxo Claudia

I've been bad.

Sorry I haven't been updating this blog guys! I almost forgot about it D:

Anyway, about the weight thing. I weigh about 101 - 104 lbs. It keeps changing but I guess it's water weight. I've been drinking a looot of water every day to keep my body hydrated "from the inside out" and to help clear my acne which I'll blog more about later. I've been good about not eating a lot of junk, not that I really lost anything, but whatever. I'm happy with my weight. This summer I've gotten lazy and been on, twitter, facebook and YouTube for the most of almost every day :P But now that school has started I go to bed on time and try to get exercise every day. My parents are unable to pay for a second dance class this year so I'll just be doing musical theater and I won't be able to go to exercise class with my friends :( Oh well. Money problems, ew, I hate money.

So from now on, I PROMISE I'll update this blog more and make it better :D Content wise, lol. I have a lot of ideas! I also might do a contest on just this blog sometime too.

TTYL, take care (:


THE BEST NOODLES EVER!Me and my friend made this when she was over, but sorry I can't tell you the recipe. We kinda winged it. But here's what's in it:
- fryed mini potatoes
- sliced and salted tomatoes
- fryed tiger shrimp
- seasoned noodles boiled with carrots and cucumber

My grandma made this... it's (half) an egg pancake with salted tomatoes which is my fav side dish now!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

I made a salad today.

Simple, healthy recipe (:

- baby romane lettuce (from garden)
- 1 swedish chard lettuce leaf (from garden)
- 3 crimini button mushrooms
- 2 tomatoes
- some mixed beans and spouts
- an egg

How I did it:
- washed and chopped the lettuce
- put egg to hard boil, sliced it
- washed, sliced and fried mushrooms in butter
- washed and sliced tomatoe
- washed and added beans and spouts

New Goal

Today I weigh 102 lbs.

I gained 2 pounds recently :S Probably all the freezies and ice cream this summer. And whenever I go camping, my mom buys SOOOO many chips and cookies, it's gross, lol. And we eat it all. Gross-er.

So I kinda automatically started this "diet". I told myself in the mirror that I will not eat junk. Maybe one little thing a day. For example, today I ate an oreo :P But for the past few days I really have stopped snacking and I've been eating healthy meals! I don't know how, but I can seriously just resist it. I think it's because I made my mind think that certain food is like toxic. When I was shopping with my mom at the mall yesterday, she asked, "Should we have McDonalds?" and my hand immediatly flew to my chest and I freaked out, "ew, nooo!" Lol, so we went to Fresh Garden. Like a healthy food bar.

I'm also going to make sure that I do some exercise every day. Wheather it's pilates, weighlifting or biking.

Where I want to loose weight is my thigh area cause I gained there this past year and this summer I gained some belly fat :(

So if you want to eat healthier, maybe try what I did. Order yourself not to touch junk. Maybe in the mirror like I did, lol. But be serious. That helps.

xo, Claudia.