Saturday, September 12, 2009

I've been bad.

Sorry I haven't been updating this blog guys! I almost forgot about it D:

Anyway, about the weight thing. I weigh about 101 - 104 lbs. It keeps changing but I guess it's water weight. I've been drinking a looot of water every day to keep my body hydrated "from the inside out" and to help clear my acne which I'll blog more about later. I've been good about not eating a lot of junk, not that I really lost anything, but whatever. I'm happy with my weight. This summer I've gotten lazy and been on, twitter, facebook and YouTube for the most of almost every day :P But now that school has started I go to bed on time and try to get exercise every day. My parents are unable to pay for a second dance class this year so I'll just be doing musical theater and I won't be able to go to exercise class with my friends :( Oh well. Money problems, ew, I hate money.

So from now on, I PROMISE I'll update this blog more and make it better :D Content wise, lol. I have a lot of ideas! I also might do a contest on just this blog sometime too.

TTYL, take care (: